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The 2018 PLI Graduates

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1. Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, Brookhaven National Laboratory
2. Kathy Bailey, Argonne National Laboratory
3. James Barnard, FEDERAL- Site
4. Andrew Burrill, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (not pictured)
5. Russell Feder, Brookhaven National Laboratory
6. Ellen Ford, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
7. Carolyn Galayda, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
8. Eric Guetre, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
9. Matt Hammond, Idaho National Laboratory
10. Luisella Lari, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
11. Susan Lucas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
12. Tim Maier, FEDERAL- Headquarter
13. Keith Orr, Los Alamos National Laboratory
14. Lanson Oukrop, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
15. Paul Reimer, Argonne National Laboratory
16. Sandy Rogan, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratoy Site Office
17. Simona Rolli, Office of Science HEP
18. Ben Simpson, Nevada National Security Site
19. Linda Stuart, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
20. John Tapia, Los Alamos National Laboratory
21. Bill Wahl, Brookhaven National Laboratory
22. Justin Whitt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
23. Carrie Wood, Sandia National Laboratory
24. Vitaly Yakimenko, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory