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NOW HIRING: PLI Deputy Director to Drive Project Leadership Across the DOE Complex

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Brian A. Burt

Brian A. Burt, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Program Coordinator of the Higher Education program, and Director and Chief Research Scientist of the Wisconsin's Equity & Inclusion Laboratory (Wei LAB). He has received numerous awards recognizing his scholarship, including the National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Science Foundation Early CAREER Award, Emerging Scholar by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and the Wickenden Award for best paper from the Journal of Engineering Education. Burt studies the experiences of graduate students and the institutional policies and practices that influence students’ pathways. His research falls into two strands: understanding team-based research experiences, and exploring the experiences of underrepresented graduate students of color in engineering. Through his work, Burt seeks to provide new ways to understand science participation and the experiences that might attract students to or turn them away from science pathways.